Layoffs in the Seattle Area

A handful of major Seattle employers have recently laid off employees.  Two weeks ago, Microsoft let about 520 people go.  The layoffs are the latest round of the 2,850 layoffs in total that are expected.  

Microsoft's supplier Lionbridge also recently laid off all of its unionized workers, two months after completing its first contract with a group of temp workers.  The reason given was reduced demand, and Lionbridge said the union had nothing to do with it.  Regardless, employees should have the rights the union fought for - temporary worker classification, pay raises, severance pay, increased time off and paid holidays.  

If you or someone you know has been mistreated at work, call us today and put us to work for you!

Obama Extends Overtime Pay to Millions

Are you salaried employee who receives less than $47,476 a year?  If so, you might be positively impacted by the Obama Administration's latest Labor Department regulation.

The Obama administration increased the annual salary threshold that determines who qualifies for overtime pay when they log more than 40 hours a week to $47,476 a year, up from $23,660 a year.  This means, if you earn less than $46,476/year, you are now eligible for overtime pay.  This is estimated to impact 4.6 million workers in the United States and is a win for employment attorneys fighting for employment rights, as well as wage and hour rights.  The regulation goes into effect Dec 1, 2016.

If you would like more information on your rights, call us today.  We are here for you!

Seattle to Potentially Set Another Employment Record

Seattle was the first major city in the United States to set a minimum wage on a path to $15 an hour.  Now, Seattle may be the first to assist Uber drivers in unionizing.  Councilmember Mike O'Brien is fighting to give drivers the ability to bargain collectively despite the fact Uber regards drivers as independent contractors.  His proposal would require taxi companies, for-hire vehicle companies and app-based ride-dispatch combines (like Uber and Lyft) to negotiate with drivers on issues such as payment and working conditions.

While it remains to be seen what will happen, it is a good sign for employee rights and benefits.  If you have ever been treated unfairly at work, please contact us now to put us to work for you!

Study Finds Workers Unaware of Rights

As Seattle continues to grow, unfortunately workers' benefits do not.  In a recent study conducted by the ROC of Seattle, of 524 workers in the Seattle area, most were unaware of their basic rights, such as Seattle's paid sick leave law, and not properly paid overtime.  Furthermore, a little less than half are paid below the poverty level, ~20% have worked after clocking out, and many have had management take a cut of their tips.

To add insult to injury, men earn $5 more on average an hour than women of color, which is larger than the national average of $4. The ROC is trying to crack down on wage theft by passing a bill that if found guilty would require employers to pay the victims three times the amount of stolen wages. 

If you or someone you know has been mistreated at work or unfairly paid, please contact us today.  We are here to help you!

Minimum Wage to Increase in 2015

Across the nation, changes in the minimum wage are going into effect this year.  Seattle's City Council unanimously approved a $15 per hour minimum wage.  This amount will go into effect on April 1, 2015 and will be phased in over 3 to 7 years.

We stand ready to help employees who have unfortunately experienced wage and hour issues.  Please contact us today to discuss your rights and how we can help.